Monday, 31 August 2009

Pop-ups...... Finally finished!!!

I've been cutting and sticking all week........ here are the results...... it been fun, but I'm glad they are finished now!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

A crazy few days.....

Busy, busy, busy....... its all go this week. Here are a couple of snaps of the preparation involved before a trip or meeting......... My printer has not stopped!
All I need to do now is some card mock-ups....... thats the fun bit!..... hope I can get them all done in time!

Monday, 24 August 2009

Birthday Brights.......

I'm really busy this week getting my work ready for my agent to take to the US....... Cross all your fingers and toes that we all make some sales.

These birthday brights were so lovely to do........ these were done a while back now. I really must do some more soon!

Friday, 21 August 2009


........ a peep at my new painted trad set, my agent is off to the US soon so for now its just Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.......

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Cat Crazy.......

How can you not love that face?....... I couldn't resist posting this!

Work in Progress.........

Painting always takes me ages...... here is a snap shot of how I work
This is for a new Traditional Christmas set..... I cant wait to get these scanned in........ am a little impatient when it come to painting by hand!
Messy Desk........ as hard as I try it always ends up looking like this or worse!

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Its nice to be Girly......

Bags, bags, bags....... a girl never has enough bags!

.............. birthday cakes!
Every birthday should have one!!...... even if its just a little one!

Friday, 14 August 2009

Traditional Christmas..... a peek at some oldies!

I love getting my paints out....... I just wish I could paint a little faster. These were done several months ago now and have sold pretty well in the US. It is always nice when you spend so long on a piece of work and someone likes it!

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Kids Play......... more Birthday brights.....

"Walk like a Dinosaur"
I love doing kids stuff....... "Croc's Rock" hopefully this wrap is being used to wrap pressies somewhere in the US right now!

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Monster Birthday........ grrrrrr

I'm busy painting traditional xmas stuff today......... I wish I could paint faster!! So today's post is a complete contrast......MONSTERS!!

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Its a Cats Life.........

I would love to be a cat some days............ "Sleepy Fatty Moe"

Work in Progress.........

I was working in Illustrator yesterday...... developing some patterns to be included in my new traditional set.... this gives you the idea of how I work. I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna use them yet....... watch this space!

Christmas Snap shot

This set is still to be finished....... thought I'd let you have a peak......
Its a nice fun one to do....... lets hope someone likes it enough to buy it!

Monday, 10 August 2009

Down the Garden I go........... the sun is out....... hooray!

Sunday in the garden......... I took my sketch book (and a cheeky glass of red) outside to start planning my next set. Its traditional Christmas this week...... holly, trees, berries etc..... will post the out-come later in the week! I haven't got my paint brushes out in a while so I'm excited!!
Here are a few other snaps..... I couldn't resist..... the sun wont stay for long!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Boxes, Boxes, Boxes..... so lovely to see!!

I was so excited when these arrived. Its not very often American Companies send us samples..... they are like Russian dolls..... boxes inside of boxes
They have been manufactured for & distributed by "Enchante Accessories, Inc" New York

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Making mock-ups!!!

I really enjoyed making these cards to show one of our American Card Customers....... lucky for me they have purchased the rights for both........ its always nice to do some cutting and sticking!!

Friday, 7 August 2009

Winter Wishes

These were created a while back now...... they have been sold for several products in America and Europe......... think its time to do a few more like these!