Saturday, 24 April 2010

Run Roger RUN!

I'm Late in posting this so "sorry".........last Sunday I was invited along to a small gathering in London organized to help raise money for Roger Bilsland who tomorrow will be running the London Marathon! He is running for a very good cause indeed " Children with Leukaemia"If you have any spare cash to help Roger then please click on the following link!

Thank you in advance! Good Luck Roger!!

Friday, 23 April 2010

S is for.......

Snowmen!! and Surtex....... Its approaching fast..... Lots to do, soooo little time!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Its Christmas again......

Back to "Santa and Snowmen" this week....... it feels a little strange when its starting to feel like summer outside!

Saturday, 17 April 2010

New Shoes......

Its been such a lovely sunny day...... did a few hours work on the above Shoes and Handbag design, it makes me want to go shopping! Spending the day tomorrow at a charity bash in London town...... cant wait! Hope the sun stays out! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Friday, 16 April 2010

A Waiting game......

"Lully" is waiting patiently for her owner to return from America, there are many people stuck stateside unable to fly home because the volcanic ash that is sitting over the Uk right now..... I'm guessing Lully might have a long wait!.... Lets hope the wind blows it away soon!

Keeping it Girly!

Another snippet..... Keeping the girly theme going, its Shoes and Handbags next!!

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


A little peep at some new work....... its making me want some cake!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Something for the girls!

I've just about finished the baby set I've been working on, so its onto something new! I'm gonna work on a new "Girly" set...... every girl loves shoes and handbags and all things pretty..... I did the ones above a while ago now so its time to create some new ones! I'm excited!

Monday, 12 April 2010

A busy weekend!

I've been moving this weekend, so since Friday all I have done is lift and pack and un-pack boxes, thank goodness the sun has been shinning! Its surprising how much stuff one little person can collect! So it was nice to get up this morning, sit at my desk and crack on with more baby designs, here is a peep at the wrap I'm working on today!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Monday, 5 April 2010

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Happy Easter!!

Wishing you all a happy Easter!!! Not sure the Easter bunny will be visiting me this year...... May have to buy myself a slab of dairy milk instead!