Friday, 17 December 2010

Simon's Cat in 'Santa Claws'

I just love this.... reminds me of Moe xx

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Wishing for a Christmas Baby....

This post is for my friend Rebecca..... soon to be a very proud Mummy of a very much wanted "Christmas Baby" I cant think of a better present!
Lets hope "he" or "she" arrives soon!

Friday, 10 December 2010

No more snow!

Its stopped snowing in the UK! I can feel my toes! More cold weather heading our way next week! I created this little snowman a few weeks back now.... he has already found a home in the US, he will make a nice Christmas card!

I'm going to attempt to get festive this weekend and purchase my very first real "Christmas tree"
I'm excited!! Have a good weekend ;-)

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Its snowing dont you know!

A new wintry set..... very fitting for this freezing weather. If you haven't heard its snowing lots in the UK.... all ready for Santa's visit in a few weeks time!!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Spotted in the US!

My cookies!!

Some pics of some of my designs as they appear in the shops in the US....... Its so lovely to see them as products! Sorry the quality is a little poor!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Desk view!

A meeting at the pub.... hence the pints in the background!!! Business and pleasure!!
Mocking it up!!
A bit of painting!!!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Who wants a Cookie? I did this wrap design to go with a Gingerbread house pop-up card.
Such fun to do!
It will be Christmas soon....better get baking!

New Christmas

Take a peep at my latest Christmas set. A real mixture of hand painted elements and fabric swatches..... I was trying for a soft folk look!!

Monday, 15 November 2010


I've been soooo busy hence the lack of posts! Will post some design bits soon!
My sis in Korea sent me a link for this little cat! Meet Maru..... he has a passion for boxes!!!

Monday, 18 October 2010

A lovely weekend!

This weekend was lovely!! Rachel off of got married! Wishing Rachel and David all the happiness in the world!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

a snip of Vintage.....

I've been sooooo busy! Here's a snip of what I've been doing....... Vintage Christmas!

Time for bed now......... x

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Nice things come in brown boxes.....

Thought I would share these....... The Bunny bag arrived just in time for Harley"s 4th birthday tomorrow..... all I need to do now is pop down to "Toys R Us" and fill it with a few more goodies!!
Hope the birthday boy likes it!

Thank you Clare for sending it so quickly!! xxx

Monday, 4 October 2010

.....ITS HERE!!

Its ARRIVED!!!!!!


Still no "bunny"............. 3days 2 go...... eeek!

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Bunny watch....

Remember the "Bunnies?" I bought these 2 adorable little rucksacks last year when I visited my sister in Korea. They were for my 2 favorite little people Harley and Darci.

Harley just loved his..... but its broken..... sad times!!
We tried to explain to Harley that it came from very far away, not sure he really understood being only 3! So my big sis has been bunny shopping and has sent a new one, I just cant wait to see his little face! HURRY up bunny!!!!
Its his birthday on the 7th, crossing fingers and toes!!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

now for some "baby"

I've been working on lots of new sets recently, trad xmas, birthday and now now some baby!!
I love my job.... drawing baby animals all day, what could be better!?

Monday, 27 September 2010

We all need a little "Yoga"

Look at this...... Stuart saw it in the paper and saved the pages for me...... I just love it!
"Yoga bear!"

The photographs of the female brown bear performing a 15-minute stretching routine were shot by a Slovenian tourist on a visit to the Ahtari zoo in Finland.

"She held her legs with her hands for a minute or two in a V position and then put them down and relaxed,"
It certainly cheered me up on this miserable wet Monday morning.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

7 years old.......

I just cant believe my little god daughter is going to be 7yrs old tomorrow! She is growing up so fast! Happy Birthday Darci May xxxxx

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

All new .....

Yet another busy week..... my paint brushes have been working away! Its all about the candy canes and pretty decorations..... they just need some gold foil and they will be ready to go!

Fingers crossed someone likes them enough to buy them!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Have a cracking weekend....

Its that time of year again! Cracker time! Over the next month I will be designing and mocking up "Christmas Crackers" for xmas 2011.
Here is the first of many!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend, I will be shopping for more house bits and hopefully a dress for Rah Rah's wedding..... exciting times!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

birthdays for little people...

I just cant believe how time goes by..... My god Daughter is nearly 7 and her little brother nearly 4. Seems only yesterday I was all excited at the prospect of meeting the new arrivals.
Better get designing birthday cards for both of them..... see above for my latest Birthday design, lots of texture with a craft twist!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Last of the pop-ups...

Finally I have finished my card mock-ups..... no more popping up for me for a while!!! As much fun as its been its time to stop cutting and sticking! Phew!

Its gonna be a busy month.... I have finally received a moving date, so please forgive any later posts, they will be house related for sure! I may even share some pics of my new cushion!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!

I've not posted in a while..... Sorry!!! Soooooo busy!
I'm still working on card mock-ups..... more snowmen! It will be a set of 4 keeping the woodland theme throughout!

Its nearly the weekend and I just cant wait! Its miss Rachel"s off of hen do.....wishing the hen a super weekend!!!!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Moe and his new mate!

Another Moe post... I just had to share this....
Poor Old "Moe" getting harassed by a Dalek ...... he looks a little grumpy!
how can you not love that little fat face!!

Friday, 13 August 2010


Sometimes my job seems a little odd! Christmas in August, although this August is more than a little wet! Where is the sunshine?

This is another set I've been working on...... vintage stockings!! I like it!!

Enjoy your weekend..... I'm out for dinner twice this weekend, no cooking for me!!! ;-)

How I do like to be by the sea!

I mentioned a couple of weeks back I was off to Brighton for a mini break...... it seems so long ago now, 3 days just wasn't long enough. I went with my big sis who was home from Korea for 3 weeks.... we had a lovely time! ;) It was a little bit windy though!!!!

A busy few weeks!

I've had my paint brushes out again..... painting just as fast as I can..... lots of watery traditional Christmas designs. They will be off to America today to be shown to some of our US card customers.... fingers crossed!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


I've been cutting and sticking again....... here is a peep at some of my card mock-ups! I'm happy that they are finally finished! Hooray! Now for a few days away at the seaside!! ;)

Monday, 19 July 2010

New Trad

A peep at some new traditional Christmas designs...... its gonna be another busy week!
Happy Monday Everyone!

Friday, 16 July 2010

Ahoy Ye Matey its the "Weekend"

What a week!! Its been a busy one! (I've been looking for somewhere to live) I had a go at my very first pirate design! I think it will make a great card or giftbag. So between popping out to look at houses I've been creating these guys and working on some more traditional Christmas! I'm looking forward to a rest this weekend, starting with a nice Italian meal with the girls tonight!! :)

Happy Friday everyone!!