Monday, 19 December 2011

6 days to go...

Only 6 days left until christmas....... although I'm trying hard not to get distracted,
its sooo difficult!!
Here are a few snaps of my latest christmas designs.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Dear Santa....

Not long to go now, Christmas is just around the corner.
Here are a few snaps of my latest fun xmas designs!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

All grown up!

Thought I would share these pictures of "Dotty" and "Oscar"
Growing up fast! Oscar loves his pink ribbon and tea..... ;)

Friday, 18 November 2011

Better late than never!!

New Christmas Characters
Holiday Snaps
Trick or Treat!

Since my last post I've done loads!! Here are a few snapshots of what I've been up to!

Halloween came and went and I managed to escape to the Algarve for a week! I loved it and would recommend it to any of you who haven't been. It is beautiful and a super place to relax and de-stress.

I promise to be a better blogger from now on! eeeek

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

I am a bad blogger!!!

I have been such a bad blogger of late!! (Sorry)
I've been working away all summer...... where did the time go? Did we even have a summer? Anyhow here is a peep at what I've been working on! Yet more Christmas!

I hope to share more soon I promise!!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Say hello to "Oscar" and "Dotty" they are so naughty!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

I've been too busy to blog!

I've been too busy to blog! Here is a very over due peek at a few "Christmas Designs" I have managed to squeeze in. (Christmas Cookies)
Over the last couple of months I've been working on a rather large project thats been taking most of my time! I can not believe its nearly August..... Hope you are all enjoying the Summer! :)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Be back soon!

Look what was in my Inbox..... My beautiful Moe! How can you not love that face. He is still happy living across town with Stuart..... they are the best of friends. I do miss this face! :(

Its a crazy busy time for me, I'm working on a large card range. Its all rather exciting and something I haven't really done before.

The Kittens are all doing well and Eene is turning out to be a fab mum!
Be back soon..... x

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Eene had her Kittens!

We had a very exciting evening last night. Eene finally had her babies! She was great and I was certainly amazed to see the birthing process! Nature has a funny way of putting everything in its place! I think I was more worried than she was!
We were delighted to see the little grey one...... it is gonna be so hard to give any of these beauties away!


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Surtex 2011

Bag mock-ups

Pregnant Eene spent lots of time sleeping in my office..... still no Kittens!

Bunting for our booth

Here are a few snaps of my prep for Surtex!

I was super excited to see my Surtex flyer over on Print Pattern this morning!
Happy Wednesday everyone ;)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Surtex 2011

Its that time of year again...... Surtex!! All the girls in the studio have been have been busy creating some great design work.

I will be represented by "Inspire By Design" Booth 326..... come and say hello..... we hope you like all the bags, bunting and banners we've made!

Good luck to all those exhibiting!

Friday, 29 April 2011

Wedding Fever

London has been hit by wedding fever. How I love a good wedding and a "Royal Wedding" is extra special! I can not wait to see Kate's dress!!

Big congrats to "Wills and Kate"
I will have a prime spot on my sofa!!

Monday, 18 April 2011

More cats!

I seem to like cats more and more these days.
The next two few weeks are certainly gonna be busy. Lots of birthday, lots of prep for "Surtex" juggled with the birth of Eene's kittens, eeek! (so excited)
The cat above is part of a scrap-booking set I've been working on

Thursday, 14 April 2011


I'm currently working on a "Christmas" card range which has pretty much taken up all my time over the last few weeks. I can't share any of that at the mo
(watch this space)
So today I'm trying to squeeze in some other work, see the pup above..... it makes a nice change, I like drawing cats and doggies!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Eene... this is Eene

This is Eene.
Eene turned up on my door step about 3 weeks ago. She was so skinny and full of worms and flees. I wish she could tell me where she has come from. With no collar and no posters up in the area she is one little lost cat. She has been here ever since.
We have become firm friends, she loves having cuddles and eats loads!.

I took her to the vet on Monday to see if she had been chipped, the vet informed me there was no chip, and that Eene is expecting a litter of kittens. I was so surprised, I hadn't even thought about kittens. I wanted to know if she was ok, how old she was etc but "Kittens" ha ha!

I will keep you posted.... I do hope she makes it to full term. The vet said she may miss carry but I'm gonna take good care of her so hopefully she wont. She is just as she is in the photo's above only her belly is really fat and round!! ;-)

Friday, 25 March 2011

Happy 100

I was very happy to log on this morning to find that "Fatty Moe" has 100 followers!
Thank you for following.
It is lovely to share my work and receive your comments!

Happy Friday everyone ;)

Monday, 21 March 2011

Its a wrap!

Take a peek at a new bauble wrap I've been working on.
Tomorrow I start planning a new Christmas range of 12 cards.... I'm excited.... cant wait to get started! Its going to be a busy few weeks. Surtex is looming eeeek!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

I love the Sunshine...

In complete contrast to the earlier "Snowman" post I thought I would share another spring floral. It certainly feels like the seasons are changing. I actually sat with the patio doors open yesterday for a tea break in the sun. I cant wait for the summer. I have a new little garden that I'm gonna fill with lots of lovely flowers.

Tuesdays Snowman

I created this Snowman last week to keep my Penguins company.... I like him!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

2 Little penguins

Happy Penguins for a sunny Tuesday ;)

Monday, 7 March 2011

It feels like Spring

It seems that Spring has finally arrived :)

Old work

I've been look through all my old work.... these 2 were created back in 2007.... they did pretty well and found themselves homes in the US for wrap, bag and cards. They are nearly free of their contract and will be able to go back in the portfolio for re-sale soon...... :)

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Back to Traditional Christmas

I like to do a bit of everything.... we have lots of customers and they all have different requirements so doing a bit of everything will in theory increase my chances of selling. My agent is off to the states again next week so I'm busy creating some new traditional Christmas for him to take. Poinsettias and Holly is today's challenge.

Woodland friends

A few woodland friends to keep my blue Owl company....... Keeping me company today is "Timmy" the neighbors cat. I never thought I would encourage a cat that belongs to someone else to come round, but I don't feed him (only some dry biscuits now and again). He just comes in for cuddles and a sleep. He would visit the people who owned the house before me..... how can I not let him in? I like it when Timmy comes to visit!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

I Like blue Owls!

What a gloomy cold day..... Lucky for me I'm inside in the warm, drawing another blue Owl.
I do like drawing owls ;)

Sunday, 27 February 2011


I finished this on Friday..... the last one in this set. I love drawing paisleys. I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I've dug out loads of old reference.....some beautiful textile book that have been packed away for a good few years. I'm hoping they help inspire some new ideas.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


A snap of the next design in this set....
I do like drawing butterflies!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Yesterdays floral is nearly finished.... now for some butterflies!!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Old habits....

This week I am trying to break some old habits. On a normal day I would develop line work for designs in "Illustrator" and export the layers into photoshop where I add pattern and texture. This week I'm making myself stick to illustrator. Here is a peek at how I'm getting on. I'm drawing over the top of my sketch and hoping that by building layers and shapes of colour I will get a bit of a different look to my work...... Its going ok so far!

Friday, 18 February 2011

its Friday!

So happy its Friday......
I've been sorting out all my admin this week and I hate it! I've also been sorting though loads of old work.... here is a "Birthday" design I did a while back. Its being sold in the US on gift-bags and wrap.

I hope you all have a good weekend planned, I'm off out for Italian food and lots of girlie chat!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Spring Fair 2011

What a crazy few weeks. I've been working like mad since Christmas. The Spring Fair kicks off this weekend in Birmingham! Above are a few snaps of what I've been working on.
Lets hope its a good show for all those exhibiting. My work will be on the "Inspire By Design" booth, you can find us in Hall 3, Stand F40.
Come and say Hello :)