Friday, 7 September 2012

A snap of my desk. Painting up some traditional christmas elements.
Have a good weekend everyone.... looks like its gonna be a sunny one! ;)

Friday, 31 August 2012

Snowflakes, trees, pinecones and baubles!

This week has all been about snowflakes, trees, pinecones and baubles!
Have a super weekend everyone ;)

Monday, 27 August 2012

Black and white prints

This weekend I got my office back! 
My sister was in need of a place to stay for a few months..... a few months turned into a year........I won't bore you with the details!

So I've been unpacking boxes of books and paints and decided to fill a couple of frames with a few of my own prints..... hope you like them!

A Summer Wedding

Last week my wonderful friends Claire and Alex got wed!
It was a beautiful day, Claire looked amazing and Rest Park was a stunning venue with the Orangery dressed with sunflowers and white linen..... it was just perfect.
I even saw a shooting star ;) Congrats Mr & Mrs Carr.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Christmas again!

Its back to designing Christmas stuff this week for me.  
Santa's, Snowmen and lots of snowflakes!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Happy Birthday!

I've been working on some bright birthday designs! Drawing cakes always makes me hungry!
I hope you like them ;)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Jungle fever

A peep into the jungle! I loved doing this jungle design.  
I think the croc is my favourite!

Friday, 6 July 2012


Its always lovely to receive samples. Here are a few I was sent from Momenta lots of lovely scrapbooking papers, stickers, photo albums and wall decor! 
These were from Papermagic...... They did a really good job!

Monday, 2 July 2012


 From sketch book.......

To Illustrator! 
Im loving drawing monsters this week!

Friday, 29 June 2012

Bright colours for summer

I thought I would share theses.  
A new floral set that contains lots of flowers, butterflies and bright colours for summer. I've loved doing theses, its just a shame this summer is proving a little miserable! Where has the sunshine gone?

Lets hope the sun makes an appearance over the weekend, I'm hoping to visit a local craft fair and may pop to Ikea...... hope you all have something nice planned!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


A tiny peep at a new wedding set I've been working on.  
I have enjoyed drawing roses and butterflies,  I don't think I've worked on a new wedding design in over two years! I do hope it makes it to print and finds its way to someones actual wedding!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Christmas craft

More christmas this time with a wooden craft feel.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Working hard.....

Thought I would share this..... a peek at some of my new floral designs and a peek at a very sleepy Oscar........ Oh to be a cat!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Sweets and treats!

Birthday designs are always nice to work on. I created this one for my agent to take
to Surtex. Its already found a home in the US and has been licensed for gift bags.
Gotta love birthday treats!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

New Baby

There are so many babies around at the minute, lucky for me that means lots of cuddles.  
So this post seems rather fitting. I hope you like them!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Christmas in June.....

I've been so terrible at updating my blog. 
I am going to try just as hard as I can over the next few weeks to give you a peek at what I've been up to over the last six months! Starting with "Christmas"
Its christmas most days in my world (if you hadn't already guessed) as I sell so much in America there is always a big demand for Santa's and Snowmen.