Sunday, 27 February 2011


I finished this on Friday..... the last one in this set. I love drawing paisleys. I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I've dug out loads of old reference.....some beautiful textile book that have been packed away for a good few years. I'm hoping they help inspire some new ideas.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


A snap of the next design in this set....
I do like drawing butterflies!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Yesterdays floral is nearly finished.... now for some butterflies!!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Old habits....

This week I am trying to break some old habits. On a normal day I would develop line work for designs in "Illustrator" and export the layers into photoshop where I add pattern and texture. This week I'm making myself stick to illustrator. Here is a peek at how I'm getting on. I'm drawing over the top of my sketch and hoping that by building layers and shapes of colour I will get a bit of a different look to my work...... Its going ok so far!

Friday, 18 February 2011

its Friday!

So happy its Friday......
I've been sorting out all my admin this week and I hate it! I've also been sorting though loads of old work.... here is a "Birthday" design I did a while back. Its being sold in the US on gift-bags and wrap.

I hope you all have a good weekend planned, I'm off out for Italian food and lots of girlie chat!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Spring Fair 2011

What a crazy few weeks. I've been working like mad since Christmas. The Spring Fair kicks off this weekend in Birmingham! Above are a few snaps of what I've been working on.
Lets hope its a good show for all those exhibiting. My work will be on the "Inspire By Design" booth, you can find us in Hall 3, Stand F40.
Come and say Hello :)